Avian Tak

Company introduction

Hamandishan Avain Tak (HAT) Company, is a technology company located in Isfahan Scientific and Technology Town (ISTT). In 2016, with the background of three decades of research in the Agricultural Research and Education Organization in order to commercialize the obtained technologies, it entered the field of production.The primary goal and main focus of the company’s research and development (R&D) group is to promote the quality and innovation in livestock, poultry, aquatic and bee products with a special focus on indigenous and domestic genetic resources in order to develop knowledge-based development of these valuable resources.

Avian Tak

Company goals

  • Promoting community health through the production of functional food sources
  • Innovation and quality improvement in livestock, poultry, aquatic and bee products
  • Identify the production capabilities of native genetic resources in order to introduce healthy and natural products
  • Developing and empowerment of rural home businesses in the production of healthy and natural protein products